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The White House

Harbour View, Jolly Harbour

With a vast sun­deck to soak up the rays, a pri­vate swim­ming pool for a refresh­ing dip, and plenty of space for relax­ation, you may find lit­tle rea­son to leave the con­fines of this fab­u­lous four-​bedroom hol­i­day home. From its styl­ishly designed inte­rior to its close prox­im­ity to abun­dant ameni­ties, the White House is an ideal home-from-home and the perfect Caribbean holiday location.

Although situated in Harbour View your actual view from the delight­ful shaded veran­dah, is the trop­i­cal coun­try­side of one of Antigua’s beautiful nature reserves. Making it the per­fect spot for al fresco din­ing or merely curl­ing up with a good book and enjoying some wel­come R&R.

The interior of the villa is focused on cool, clean neu­tral and mono­chrome accents. There is a com­fort­able and spa­cious liv­ing area, with seat­ing for up to eight peo­ple and a din­ing table for six. The large fully-​equipped kitchen is a joy for any­one who loves to cook and is com­plete with a fridge, four-ring stove, grill, microwave, freezer, oven and dishwasher.

Each bed­room is gen­er­ously pro­por­tioned. The mas­ter has a king-size bed and en-suite bathroom, bed­room two has a queen size bed and en-​suite, bed­room three has a queen size bed and shares a bath­room with bed­room four which has two sin­gle beds making The White House the opti­mum fam­ily retreat.

The White House is sit­u­ated in Har­bour View, in a community of detached houses a two-minute walk from the hus­tle and bus­tle of Jolly Har­bour, the largest man-made marina in the Caribbean. Jolly Harbour is a thriving resort village with a wide range of facilities within the gated community situated on Antigua’s famed west coast. Along with a variety of bars and restaurants, you will find an international supermarket, pharmacy, bank, souvenir shops, gym and sports centre, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, tennis and squash courts and The Jolly Harbour Golf Club which has an 18-hole championship course.

It is also home to some of the island’s most prized beaches, including Jolly Beach, one of the longest and widest beaches on the island, and a truly idyllic white sand beach lapped by the perfectly clear aquamarine Caribbean Sea.
