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Flower World

We Deliver Smiles
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For more than twenty years, Flower World Ltd has been a trusted Full-Service Florist in Antigua and Barbuda. Their expertise lies in creating imaginative floral designs for every aspect of your wedding ensemble. With a team of dedicated Floral Designers who possess extensive experience, training, and a keen eye for global wedding trends, Flower World ensures that your special day is adorned with the finest arrangements.

What sets them apart is a deep passion for Caribbean flora, allowing them to craft unique combinations of tropical and temperate flowers and foliage that will beautifully complement your wedding event. Flower World takes immense pride in professionalism, courtesy, and unwavering reliability. Every prospective customer receives undivided attention and personalized service.

Flower World caters to weddings of all sizes, striving to uphold the motto, “We Deliver Smiles,” on every occasion. Whether your celebration is intimate or grand, you can trust Flower World to bring joy and elegance to your wedding day.

Opening Times:
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Daily
Corner Popeshead and St John's Street, St John's
268.562.9229 - Whatsapp 268.772.9229